I've been wanting to write about this a long time ago but i'm just tooo d**n lazy...but since dibidibi sii brought the topic up..i'm interested to write about it now i'm at a place where the internet connection is good enough to download the pictures quickly....
Plastic surgery is one of the most popular now at korea and everyone is getting it...every now and then, i see my korean stars's faces keep changing...some become more pretty but some just aint so lucky!!! there are however some korean star plastic transformation which really surprises me...i tell you..their transformation was juust tooo extraordinary...some even didnt looked the same they have transformed into someone else..sometimes i it that easy to have plastic surgery in Korea...and with this curiousity..i googled it...the cost of of surgery in getting a double-eyelid (which is the current plastic trend in Korea) will only cost you at least $5oo-$1000.i was like what? its that cheap?
sometimes looking at the many successful surgery i saw in korean artist makes me want to try having plastic surgery in korea...NOT!!!!! if i'm an artist...maybe...if i'm a UBD student..i dun think before i cramp your brain with my boring conversation..lets see some pics of the most amazing plastic transformation of korean artist...(this is from my point of view only, if you have any comments of displeasure about this, please post into a new blog)

This is hwan hee(fany) from fly to the sky..if you dont know him, he's one of the actors in the drama 'over the rainbow' this is the before-after plastic surgey picture of him..dont you think he just changed into an american-mexican person? believe me..his face changed a lot and i mean A LOT. i never really like him before but after seeing him transformed from ordinary looking to A-class looking...i kinda like him a little but then again I still like my outgoing and funny Brian *saranghaeyo oppa!*
next....nam gyu ri sii...this is before the plastic transformation.....
when she was still innocent naive and plastic-free...(me and my terms)

This is after..wooooo..dont you think she's preeeeetty.......after the plastic surgery nam gyu ri sii was given the nickname 'plastic doll' because she really looked like a doll...dont you think soo...i very the think she like a doll....i thought before the surgery she was already pretty but then again i guess she wants to be super-duper plasticlicious pretty..people and their 'nafsu' to look pretty!...Oh..if you're not familiar with nam gyu ri..she is a member of a girl group called seeya...she also sang the ost for 'unstoppable marriage' drama. she also the former or current girlfriend (i'm not so sure about whether the two have broken up or not) of the ever famous HOT former member, Tony Ann..she have a really big voice when she sings and i love most of her group's song....
next....lee ji hyun...i dont really know her but her power-ranger like transformation really impressed me..just see how much she changed...
Lee Ji hyun is the former member of an old-girl group (who now are trying to be teenagers again) called Jewellery..not familiar? its the former group of Yun Eun Ae(goong princess)...dont know either? never the mind! my familiar lee ji hyun is the 3rd one..thats the lee ji hyun that i remembered most..then she went on having several surgeries in a mission to enlarge her already enlarged-eye...i think she will have problem using a binoculars...wiwiwiwikikikikihihihihikikiki..that is so biologically funny!!! hemhem sorry for my lameness...i'm so the bio nerd! i only know bio jokes... want some more? well i'm goin to search more amazing pictures of these plastic fantastic people..may be i'll post some next time!!!
To all plastic transformers lover...dont plastic yourself *apakan*
p.s: this is an official apology message goes out to dibidibi for mistaken you as jon.mianhaeyo oppa?no?onni?no?ajumma? no? ajussi?no?
who ever you are..mianhaeyo...I'm very the sorry from the tip of vein in my toes up through my aorta down through my bicuspid valve...mimo mimo Bio nerd alert!!!!