3 of the committee members n 1 of the kcc members were selected 4 the Youthcamp (Korea) this year..yay!!
They are: yung soon, yumi, airul n amanda...we have our meeting today at the embassy of korea...btw there are 6 of us UBDians n d other 4 are from ISB, Southhampton uni(UK),,actually 2 of them r absent (MTSSR, jefri bolkiah voc.school)so f we fail 2 contact them we hv 2 find 2 more from 10applicants who didn't make it at first.
Here are some of our pics during the meeting

owkey...so we r goin on...nt sure maybe 27/28th cz we must be there 29th n end 18th augst...wahhh we miss 2wks lecture.so any suggestion wat shud we do o bring 4 d exbtn jz tell us..c'mon brunei ppl we r on our mission promoting brunei hehe
Post by : yumi shi