My heart is sedih to the very much right now!!!the day that I have dreaded for so many years has finally come true..*sigh* how could this be happening to me..maybe to you also or maybe to hundreds of other women who has fallen for the charm of his crooked teeth. *sighing heavily* though many have left me for this very same reason in the past but then again, this time, this separation, this feeling, this,,this..this..anduae!!!!!oppa!!!!gajima!!!!anduae oppa!!!! *sobbed*
*winter sonata song* although he left me for the sake of his country, my super duper powerful love for him will never cease to burn brightly!!!!ewww!!!! I sounded so the very like a B****. So sorry for the lameness and very ‘brigali’ acting…I guess I have stunned some brains to death…but seriously I was a little bit sedih when I heard about this news not so long ago. One of the singers that I really really love since he first debuted is going to join the army this month. Who am I talking about??? Non other than a singer known for his soft and soulful voice…seong si kyung!!!!!* oppa..saranghaeyo!!!!*
I really cant imagine myself not hearing his voice for 2 and a half year..oh no..oppa!!how am I supposed to live without hearing your voice and seeing your face with your ever-crooked teeth!!! * I cant live….if living is without you…I cant live…I cant live anymore!!!!I CANT LIIIIVEEEEE!!!*
Hemhem I better stop now before some of you begin to throw up….maybe some of you are not familiar with my worries I’m goin to post his pics later.seong si kyung has released a new album not so long ago and before he’s goin to enlist in his army, he will be having his last concert with his beloved fan and girl *blink2*. The tickets for his coming concert was alrealdy sold out…so I don’t have a chance to go..may be I can just phone him up after the concert wihihihi *perasan*

my ideal man..seong si kyung
To all seong si kyung lovers...he's mine so dont think about it!!!wuawuawua...annyeong!!!
posted by : Mz_sylvia (*o*)