Heheh..I forgot to update (-_-" Y

I am very thankful to everyone who had made the events a success. Eventho there's alot of barriers that we had to overcome, miscommunications that occured and so on we still manage to get thru the ups and the downs. We stayed strong til the end. KCC fighting!! I love all of you!!
Ahahah..why does that sound so much like a confession??
I gotta keep track of myself xp
ATTENTION to all members! Tommorrow there will be an activity and sadly enough its going to be the last activity for this semester. Ohh I am going to be in tears ='s
ATTENTION to all members! Tommorrow there will be an activity and sadly enough its going to be the last activity for this semester. Ohh I am going to be in tears ='s
Its going to be QUIZ DAY!! Come and claim yourself as the champion of the Korean Culture club quiz winner!! What does that mean? will there be any prizes? I don't know~ Mullayo.. I'm not going to spoil the surprise of what's instore for you =D

Come and have fun with us cause I know I'm definitely NOT going to miss it. It's going to be chaotic! It's going to be interesting! It's going to be funny! Just be ready for us~
